Tag Archives: Canadian citizenship

Vancouver Ranked World’s #3 Most Livable City

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) submits a report each year referred to as the Global Liveability Report. This report evaluates 140 eligible cities around the world and ranks them according […]

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Where can I check the status of my application?

This mostly depends on the type of application you filed. There are two kinds of applications: online applications and paper applications, and the process can differ depending on which one […]

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Accepting Immigrants is a Part of Canadian History

Recently, Business Insider interviewed the Canadian Minister of Immigration, Ahmed Hussen, to learn how he feels about the number of people who are immigrating to Canada. According to Hussen, Canada […]

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Different Types of Job Offers that the Employer Can Make in Canada

As it stands, a Canadian employer can make two types of job offers. These are the two types of employment as explained by Canadian Visa Expert:

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Testimonial from Canadian Visa Expert Client

As of May 25th, we have made it to Calgary, in Canada – our new home! My wife and I have already found an apartment and are getting settled into […]

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Advantages of Canadian Citizenship

Canada is ranked the 6th happiest place to live in the world for 2016. Over 250,000 people migrate to Canada each year, and the country now has over 36 million […]

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